Remembering Elisabeth Elliot: Day 3

We will continue on with Day 3 of this series  inspired by Tyler Smith from Logos Talk who compiled this list of Elisabeth Elliot’s most famous quotes.

Check back tomorrow for our first article called “Why Should I Pray?” by Liza Grace.

Here is today’s quote:

“I have one desire now – to live a life of reckless abandon for the Lord, putting all my energy and strength into it.”
-Elisabeth Elliot

Can you truthfully say this is your only desire? How do you think we can live lives of reckless abandon? Share in the comments!


  1. I think for most of us Christians, this is our desire! Its what we strive for until heaven! But I don't think its our ONLY least not mine! I have a looooooong list of desires! And that one is at the top, but it doesn't stand alone! And what I've learned about living lives of reckless abandon is that its a process! I used to think it was just a prayer and then God just kinda took over, but nope! Its not, but its a beautiful process! :)

    1. Yes, I agree! My lists of desires are pretty long, too! And praise God that He doesn't leave us alone to fix our desires! He takes us by the hand and leads us to desire Him more than anything else! :)


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