Topics Include:
-Bible study
-Your personal relationship with Christ
-How to keep Christ at the center of every aspect of your life, including: family, friends, relationships with guys, school, career plans, etc.
-Book reviews
-Hair tips and styles
-Modest fashion
If you would like to be a guest poster, please see the guidelines below:
1. The goal of the Morning Glory blog is to encourage girls to keep Christ at the center of their lives. All post submissions must reflect this goal in order to be eligible.
2. In the contact form below, tell me the title and topic of the post you would like to write.
3. After I have emailed you I will ask to read your submission. As the editor, I retain all rights to edit, correct, or change content. I can also send submissions back for you to correct.
4. Quotes are fine to use in the body of a submission, but not recommended unless you are certain of the person's good reputation. Also, if I deem material submitted to be needlessly controversial and unnecessarily divisive, I reserve the right to decline the post.
5. All Bible verses must be in one of the following translations: King James Version (KJV), New King James Version (NKJV), English Standard Version (ESV), or New American Standard Bible (NASB). Please capitalize all pronouns in reference to God.
6. A bio is encouraged, but optional. If you like, you may also include a picture to accompany your bio.
7. Finally, I am under no obligation to post any submissions sent to me.
If you would like to review a book, please see the guidelines below:
1. The goal behind these book reviews would be to inform Christian girls of pure literature and to warn them away from defiling material.
2. If you would like to review a book, please write me in the contact form below and tell me the title of the book you would like to review.
3. Books can be fiction or nonfiction. For positive reviews, they do not have to be explicitly Christian books as long as they are clean and do not glorify sin or the influence of sin. The only negative book reviews I will accept are those that appear to be clean or God-honoring but fail in this regard.
4. Mention in your review if the book had any sexual references, bad language, or violence.
5. Please include the age you think this book is appropriate for based on content.
6. Finally, I am under no obligation to post any book reviews sent to me.
Updated August 20, 2015
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