Lord, Thank You for this Trial Because...

Lord, Thank You for this Trial Because…

by Anonymous

…this trial reminds me of how dependent I am on You.

…this trial is a test of my faith and will reveal my faith for what it is.

…this trial will give me opportunities for ministry I may have missed.

…this trial is driving me to spend more time in prayer.

…this trial is an opportunity for You to display Your glory in my life.

…this trial reminds me that Earth is not my home.

…this trial is making me a stronger person.

…this trial will make me more aware of my blessings.

…this trial tests my ability to “rejoice in all things.”

…this trial is bringing me fresh wisdom and perspective.

…this trial is revealing sin that was otherwise hidden.

…this trial is humbling me.

…this trial is teaching me patience.

…others are learning and benefiting from witnessing my trial.

…this trial sheds new light upon Your Word as I study it.

…You have promised that it will work for good in my life.

…this trial is teaching me to hate sin more completely.

…I can worship you in my unique sufferings.

…this trial forces me to ask myself, “Is Jesus enough?”

How do you respond when trials come? Do you thank God for them? Any stories? Share in the comments!


  1. This was really, really beautiful. In my own life, I've been able to see every point you made come true. Just this fall, I've learned to seriously rejoice in my struggle! Before I just said I rejoiced in my struggle, so that someday, I might believe it. And I can now rejoice in this, and know that there is a reason! Also this year, I walked out of a trial and I can see now very clearly what God was doing! Its pushed me to trust Him with this trial, and it. is. good.

  2. This was a beautiful post. God is good, isn't He? The past six years of my life have had their fill of trials through a horrible family car accident, the death of a friend, and the passing of my nana. And yet... Witnessing his faithfulness and goodness have blessed me more than I can even say.


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