How God Used Three Strangers to Show Me My Sin

It wasn’t a bad day, per se.
          It was beautiful outside, I had met my homework deadlines, and it was Friday.
          But I had my agenda, and things didn’t go my way.
How God Used Three Strangers to Show Me My Sin
          My plan was to have lunch with my friend like usual. I have an app with local deals and so we typically find a buy-one-get-one-free deal and eat cheap food. But today, my friend had family come in and couldn’t spend the afternoon with me like normal.
          It’s silly, but I decided I was going to pout about it. I wasn’t going to eat lunch so that when I saw my friend later, I could say, “Well, I wasn’t able to have lunch because I couldn’t leave campus to get food.”
          I knew I was being ridiculous and that there were definitely many ways for me to get food. But I was stubborn.
          I planted myself down at a couch and pulled out my laptop to study. My stomach growled. I thought, “Wow, this is going to be a long afternoon! It’s only 12:30 and I’m already starving.”
          Just then, the doors opposite me in the hallway opened up and this man in restaurant server’s attire looked at me and said, “Hey, we have some extra food in here from this banquet. Do you want some? Chicken parmesan, asparagus, pasta, salad.”
          My stubbornness went right out the window.
          I immediately stood up and grinned, “Yes, I will totally eat your extra food!”
          As I filled my plate with this beautiful fancy catered meal, I was convicted about my lack of trust in God. It was as if He was saying, “Do you think I won’t provide for you?”
          Going back to my couch, I tucked into my meal, both thankful and humbled.
          Then, two girls walked past me. I looked up and smiled at them. They smiled back as they walked past…then turned around and came back to me.
          They’re going to witness to me, I thought. 
          The first one, a blonde named Caroline, said, “Hey…so we just wanted to know if there was anything we can be praying about for you.”
          I felt my pride take over as I picked a church-y request so that they would know they didn’t have to witness to me—that I was already a great, holy Christian. I gave them a legitimate prayer request, however, about our Friday night inner city children’s ministry called Pioneers. “It’s hard to know the best way to interact with them. They’re very poorly behaved. We love them so much, but it’s hard to know how to try to show them grace and love, while not letting them get away with their sin like they do at home.”
          The second girl was an international student, Isabelle. She would interject questions when I would use phrases like “broken homes.” Her English was very good, but her accent was strong and she did not seem to be familiar with many of those types of phrases.
          Then I asked them what I could pray about for them. Caroline told me she had a stressful weekend ahead with school. Isabelle asked for prayer that she would be a diligent and efficient employee in the lab.
          They sat on the couch with me and we all prayed for each other. I still felt my pride rising inside of me, however, despite the fact that I was addressing the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
          Then Isabelle started praying.
          Slowly, the pride filling my heart melted as I listened to her pouring her heart out before her heavenly Father. Her prayer was overflowing with understanding and thankfulness for His love. Her soul had experienced the mercy of Christ and knew it. She was full of compassion for the children at Pioneers. She did not even know them, but her heart was already broken for them.
          And all I could pray as I listened to her was, “Father, forgive me.”
          Not only had He—despite my attitude—provided me with a beautiful lunch, He lovingly reminded me of my sin and His mercy and His love.
          He humbled my heart so gently and so lovingly. He is so good.
          Don’t quiet the gentle teachings of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Has a stranger ever had an impact on your life? When has been a time recently that God has humbled you? Leave a comment! Also, if you want to hear about how my friend changed the life of a complete stranger, read this post.


  1. Wow! That is a really amazing story! Isn't it so funny how God convicts us of sin in the most uncommon ways?

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Abigail! Yes, t is funny how God uses strangers to work in your life. I was thankful for the nudge. ;)

      Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!


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