July Resources for Young Ladies

What gave me the idea to start Morning Glory? Lady In Waiting by Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones! It was reading this book that gave me the idea of starting a daily devotional over email!

Lady In Waiting is a book that I highly recommend to each of you young ladies! It takes you through the book of Ruth and encourages you to find satisfaction and contentment in Jesus Christ instead of pining away for your future husband.

Every time I pick it up, I find something fresh and inspiring! A lot of the book deals with the heart issues behind always being “on the hunt” for a guy, but there is plenty of practical advice.

This book does seem to be geared toward women in their late teens and early twenties, but there is no mature content that you should be concerned about.

I would highly recommend this book to any young lady who wishes to use her single years to grow closer to Jesus.  

Have you read this book? Are you interested in reading it? Share in the comments!


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