Remembering Elisabeth Elliot: Day 30

Today is the last day of our Remembering Elisabeth Elliot series! I hope y’all enjoyed it as much as I did! Elisabeth Elliot was an incredible woman of faith, driven by the grace of God even through heart-wrenching pain.

Note: Starting on this coming Tuesday, the posting schedule will change to regular posts on Tuesday and Friday. Check back tomorrow for a cute, grown-up version of a hairstyle we have all worn and loved! And please take a second to answer the poll on the right sidebar about the things that distract you most from pursuing Jesus!

Now on to our last quote!

“It is in our acceptance of what is given that God gives Himself.”
-Elisabeth Elliot

Discontentment is one of the biggest things that has distanced me from God in the past. With most other things, I can bring it easily to God and ask Him to help me fight it. But with discontentment, it’s extremely hard because in my heart, I’m saying, “God, You made a mistake by not giving me _____ (fill in the blank). God, You don’t know what’s best for me.”

Discontentment distances me from God because I’m pointing an accusing finger at Him.

It’s when I accept that I have what I need and learn to be satisfied that Christ satisfies me with Him.

What are your thoughts on this quote? Do you struggle with discontentment? Any stories you want to tell? Do share!


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