3 Ideas for Serving Jesus

By Taylor

“Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a vapor that appears for a little time, then vanishes.”
James 4:14

In my devotional this morning on Morning Glory’s Daily Devotional, I talked about how our lives are so short, and because of that we need to strive for Jesus all of our days. You may be wondering, “What are some ways I can do that?” Here are some ways that have really helped me glorify Christ in some things I do.

1) Volunteer.
Giving up my time to serve others and selflessly serving Jesus through them and shining His light to bring others to Christ.

2) Pray.
Seek God throughout His word and through communicating with Christ and ask Him for some ways that will allow the gifts He has given you to shine for Him. Pray to God and ask Him if He is calling you to become an active missionary in your hometown, or even another country!

3) Serve with Your Gifts.
For example, offer free babysitting for some young families at your church! I know from personal experience that this can be an amazing blessing to parents. What an amazing opportunity to serve Christ!

I hope these tips spark some ideas of your own for how you can serve Him through your gifts! Philippians 2:1-11 is a great scripture to find out some characteristics of Jesus.


  1. I liked the last point of using your gifts for service. That is my personal favorite way because everyone liked to use their gifts!! I mean, duh!! And using them in such a way that serves Christ makes serving more enjoyable. For some people, I know service isn't fun, and I've always been confused as to why they don't like serving in this area or that one. And I think its because its not where they are gifted! So i'd say, yeah! Find your gifts and use them for the glory of God! :)


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