Two Years!

Today is Morning Glory’s TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY!! I can’t believe it’s already been two years!
To celebrate, I’d like to share some things that a few young ladies had written in to me talking about how God has used Morning Glory in their life!

One fifteen-year-old girl writes,

Morning Glory has blessed me in many ways.
First of all: Being connected to so many girls, my age, has been wonderful! Knowing that someone, quite far from me, could be reading the same things I just so cool!
Second: Writing for Morning Glory has been fun too! I have enjoyed the time I get to spend reading and studying God's word! Now, when I'm reading my Bible, I look for verses that would make a good devotional!
Third: Morning Glory has actually helped me grow closer to my family!
All the writers have been a HUGE blessing to me! And all the readers too! It all means so much!

A seventeen-year-old girl writes,

I started getting Morning Glory daily devotional emails about a year ago. I had been looking for a good daily devotional program thing, and was super blessed to find this! I try to read the devos every day and I have been SO touched by all the blog posts.
It has been SO encouraging seeing what verses have stuck out to people and what it means to them. There have been many days where I read the devo, and I can tell it was completely an answer to prayer for that day—just what I needed to hear. They always remind me of important lessons or refocus me on what really matters. They help me keep my eyes fixed on GOD. They remind me of God's promises, His blessings, His mercies, and His love.
All the blog  posts are encouraging. They are convicting. Some bring joy. Some bring tears. All in the very best way. Every day, I hear truth spoken from the verses, and some REAL person's thoughts about it.
With the devos, it has been such a blessing to hear what Christian girls my age have to say about their favorite verses, and how it applies to their lives.
With the blog, it's been SO helpful and convicting and encouraging. The posts deal with very real issues—things that I face in my everyday life—and give very mature and solid advice and encouragement.  God has really blessed me through Morning Glory!!

And a college senior says,

Wow, what a joy to celebrate two years of Morning Glory!! This devotional has been such a catalyst for growth in my life: Both reading the poignant thoughts of fellow ladies and writing what God has placed on my heart have encouraged me in my walk with the Lord in numerous ways. I am extremely grateful to be part of such a loving community of girls found at Morning Glory. Praise God for sustaining this for as long as He has!

Thank you all so much for a wonderful two years! Today we’re doing something fun—forwarding today’s devotional and/or a link to your favorite Morning Glory blog post to EIGHT GIRLS that you think would be interested! Please join in!

If Morning Glory has meant something special to you, please share in the comments!


  1. Wow! That's so cool! That makes me want to cry happy tears that you've been cultivating this ministry for two years, Anna! I know you've touched so many hearts and encouraged so many people. God is so good. Morning Glory is definitely dear to my heart, though I've only been a reader/writer for a short time! I have to say, I agree with the comments above. Almost every single devotional or blog post speaks so deeply to me. It always seems like it was written just for me to be what I needed to hear that day. It brings a smile to my face each morning when that devo arrives in my inbox. :) I have so enjoyed contributing blog posts as well! My faith has grown with each one that I have written, and sometimes I feel like through writing them, I begin to understand my own thoughts better and what the Lord is trying to get through to my heart. Sitting down to write a post gives me an opportunity to be still and listen to the Lord, and often I just write what He tells me :) It has been truly a blessing and I hope that will continue! Praise the Lord for everything He has done through you with this ministry and praise Him for everything He is going to do in the future!

    1. Oh thank you Sunny!! I completely agree with you that writing through things gives everything more clarity. It has been SUCH a blessing to work with you a little and see your heart and passion for the people around you through the things you've written! Thanks so much, Sunny!


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