You Know You’re a Girl When…

…You look at your phone and it says, “18 Unread Messages.”

…You decide to wear your too small Sperry’s and pack an extra pair of flats for when the pain becomes unbearable.

…You skip that party because you’re having a bad hair day.

…You can’t go shopping alone.

…You realized you packed more pairs of shoes for your trip then the number of days you were going to be gone.

…You randomly melt into tears and everyone asks you what’s wrong and you honestly answer, “I DON’T KNOW!”

…You walk up to your friend and just start braiding her hair.

…You spend over an hour getting ready because “the outfit just isn’t happening today.”

…You always have long hairs in your socks. Don’t ask me why.

…You have bobby pins on your floor…in your purse…stuck in your shower drain…in your socks…behind picture frames…in your pillows…everywhere. But when you actually need them, they are nowhere to be found.

Can you relate to any of these? What are some funny girl things that you find yourself doing? :) Share in the comments!


Leave a comment! I read every one of them.

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