Is God Enough?

The other day, I felt my fears becoming overwhelming.
What if God takes away the things I love most?
What if He asks me to do something too hard?
What if I have to endure heartbreak?
What if I cannot live up to the standards I have set for myself?
What if I tell people one thing, and live another?
The “what ifs” were killing me. I can play that game all day long thinking of all the horrible things that COULD happen, and what if they did.
Then I saw this verse:

“And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’”
2 Corinthians 12:9

I realized the question I needed to be asking myself was not “what if these things happened” but “if they DID, would God be enough?”
Would God be enough?
He promises in that verse that His grace is sufficient for us.
If God took everything from you, your family, friends, money, any fame, identity, home, comfort—everything, WOULD HE BE ENOUGH FOR YOU?
You need to ask yourself this. Yes, He promises that He is enough. But are you at a point in your relationship with Him that you can say, “Yes, Jesus is enough for me”?
Are you building your life on Jesus plus (fill in the blank)? Jesus plus family? Jesus plus friends? Jesus plus a guy? Jesus plus popularity?
Or are you building your life on Christ alone?
I found immeasurable comfort once I realized this. Yes,  Jesus is enough.
If Jesus is enough, you have nothing to be afraid of. Even your deepest fears have no bearing against the strong truth that God’s grace is sufficient for you.
So ask yourself today: Is God enough for me? Should I lose everything else, will Jesus be enough?

Can you say that Jesus is enough for you? What other things have you found yourself relying on? Any thoughts or stories? Share in the comments!


  1. This is so encouraging! Love reading these every morning! Love this so much thank you!


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