Summer Goals!

For many of us, school is over. Behind us—gone. We’re facing an exciting summer. Some of us have crazy amazing plans; some of us are looking forward to some down time.
Either way, most of us will have more time now that we are not studying constantly. It is so easy to let that time slip away from you. The last thing you want is, at the end of the summer, looking back and realizing you accomplished nothing.
Don’t let your summer become a waste, drowned in frivolous things like social media.
What is something to keep us motivated throughout the summer?
How about a list of goals?
I’m making my list of summer goals.
Here are some example goals for you:

1.      Read my Bible every day
2.      Read (insert number here) of books this summer
3.      Take a couple of my friends out for coffee periodically
4.      Spend more time with my siblings
5.      Get (insert project here) done
6.      Clean my room and keep it clean
7.      Etc.

They don’t have to be complicated goals. You can work on establishing good habits, getting something done, or investing more time in people—or all of the above.
Don’t let the summer slip through your grasp. Take hold of it—seize it—and get all its worth out of it. Each year in your life will go by faster and will get busier. You don’t want to miss what you can accomplish this summer!

What are your summer goals? Any exciting vacations happening? Share in the comments!


  1. Definitely going to work on establishing good habits! Also, hopefully I will be able to tackle the mound of amazing books that have slowly piled up while school consumed all my time :) Pray more, study the Word more, fellowship with my on my crochet business...maybe finally write some more blog posts :) and so much more!

    1. That's so great! Sounds like a busy, but productive summer! Let me know how it goes!


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