Follow Me

Why do we dress modestly? Why do we act in purity? Why do we talk in a way that honors Christ? Why do we submit to authority? Why do we serve others?
“And He said to all, ‘If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.’”
Luke 9:23
This verse was a verse I was thinking a lot about since I read it a few weeks ago. Then, I went to a summer camp and this verse was one of the main verses in the theme, “Follow Me.”
What does it mean to follow Christ?
This is something that I have been wrestling with these past few weeks, and I want to share some thoughts, as well as practical areas this applies to.
Principles about following Christ…
Principle #1: You are always following something
There is something or someone who is calling the shots in my life. There is something that I am pursuing. Maybe it’s happiness. Security. Affection. Beauty. Popularity. Affirmation. Attention. Boyfriend. Whatever it is, there is something that I’m always following. The question then becomes, “Who am I following?”
Principle #2: Following God means following Christ
Hebrews 1:3 talks about how Jesus is the exact imprint of God. We know God through knowing Jesus. If we’re like the Pharisees, who claimed to follow God, but rejected His Son, then we are not following God at all. Jesus is Lord. He is God. We follow God by following His Son. We seek God by seeking His Son.
Principle #3: Following Christ isn’t easy
In Luke 9:57-62 Jesus tells people the cost of following Him. He talks about being willing to give up comfort, wealth, and relationships. Then He says in verse 62, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” We have to be ready to give everything up. This is why the way is narrow, and why few enter. Because many are not willing to give up everything.
Following Christ, as Luke 9:23 says is denying yourself, taking up your cross daily, and following Him. It’s saying no to your flesh. It’s dying to yourself and your fleshly impulses and desires. It’s obeying what Christ commands. It’s preferring what He prefers. It’s being willing to give up everything—even your life—in exchange for Jesus. This is what following Christ is.
What does this mean, practically?
In modesty, it could mean…
1.      Denying yourself of the pleasure of the attention you might get when you show more skin.
2.     Choosing to love your brothers and sisters around you by putting their needs above your own, and by not selfishly dressing to cause them to stumble.
3.     Preferring what Christ prefers, and obeying His commands.
When people insult you and are mean to you, it could mean…
1.      Denying yourself the pleasure of getting even.
2.     Treating them with grace and kindness despite what they did to you.
3.     Remembering that you were the reason the Son of God died a miserable horrible death on the cross—that YOU insulted, mocked, beat, and killed Jesus—and that He still loved you anyway.
Right now, I’m sharing a hotel room with four of my siblings. I definitely have many opportunities to follow Christ even when I go to bed at night!
Day in and day out, moment by moment, God calls us to follow Him. He calls us to deny ourselves, to take up our crosses, and follow Him. To obey Him. To prefer what He prefers. He gives us innumerable times to practice loving Him and putting Him first. This life isn’t about us. It’s about Christ.
Today, what are some practical ways that you can follow Christ? When have you denied your flesh, taken up your cross, and followed Him? Any thoughts or stories? Share in the comments!


  1. Thank you so much for posting! I love all your points! They all work together so well! Love the picture too!!!

    1. Thank you! I really enjoyed my time at camp in Glorieta! The speakers were fabulous and I learned so much. Glad you liked the picture! ;)


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