What Sin Does to You... And How God Rescues You

        By Liza Grace

        I have tasted and vividly experienced the effects of SIN in my life. I have LIED, when God is truth. I have SINNED in the DARK when God is Light. I have made God my CRUTCH when He is the King of Kings and the Anointed One. I have DISREGARDED His promises when He is Faithful and true. I’ve ACCUSED Him of forsaking me when He is Emmanuel. I have thought Him TOO SMALL for my problems when He is the Savior of the World.
I am the chief of sinners…
       …and He abundantly forgives. 



…Makes me a FOOL
so I have the Wonderful Counselor

…Renders me UNCLEAN
so I have the Most Holy One

…Abandons me BROKEN
so I have the Healer

…Sends me into CHAOS
so I have the Prince of Peace

…Reduces me to EMPTINESS
so I have the Bread of Life

…Leaves me WEAK
so I have God Almighty

...Lures me into DESTRUCTION
so I have the Deliverer

…Directs me down the path of DEATH
so I have the Way, Truth, and the Life

…Alienates me as an ORPHAN
so I have Everlasting Father

…Yearns to desert me in utter DARKNESS
so I have the Light of the World

…Leaves me in need of a SUBSTITUTE SACRIFICE
so I have the Lamb of God

…Causes me to STRAY
so I have the Good Shepherd

…Makes me LOST
so I have the Way

…Distances me from COMMUNICATION with God
so I have the Great High Priest

…Leaves me CRUMBLING
so I have the Chief Cornerstone

What has sin done to you that God reversed? Share in the comments!


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