3 Practical Tips to Save Your First Kiss for Your Wedding Day

          I was recently featured on PhyliciaDelta.com with the post, 3 Practical Tips to Save Your First Kiss for Your Wedding Day. I hope you will take the time to hop over and read it! 

          I decided to save my first kiss for my wedding day long before I started dating. Some will applaud this decision. Others will scoff and roll their eyes. Others will pity me for being a product of my conservative Christian upbringing.
          My conviction was shaped through many years of attending weddings my dad, a pastor, was officiating. Some couples had saved their first kiss, some had not. Some weddings deeply moved me in their Christ-centered simplicity. 

          The pure, strong love I saw some couples share in Christ made a deep impression on me.

          I wanted to save my first kiss for several reasons. I knew that opening physical door to physical intimacy in a relationship could lead one or both of us into sin. Many people, I understand, are fine with it. Somehow, I knew it would be a bigger struggle for me. I also wanted to avoid the “how far can I go?” mindset in my relationship.
          At first, I was hesitant about having my first kiss in front of a church full of people. What if it’s awkward?
          I had seen an awkward first kiss at the alter before, and boy, it was awkward. But I had also seen more normal first kisses at the alter.
          That’s kind of a private and intimate moment. Why share it with so many people?
          For me, it came down to shame. Where should I feel more shame—sneaking a kiss before marriage and wondering if I sinned in some way, or a first and potentially awkward kiss in front of a bunch of people celebrating our union?
          Nowhere in the Bible does it talk about shame in purity, because there is no shame in giving away your first kiss on your wedding day. Plus, there will be plenty of private kisses. If you want to know some more of my reasons, check out my blog post. In it, I also link to Phylicia’s excellent post, 5 Myths About Saving Your First Kiss for the Wedding Day.
          I do not know where you are today. I don’t know where you stand before God, what your relationship status is, or how you are striving to honor Him in your relationship.  If you are trying to save your first kiss, or anything else, these tips are for you. These three basic tips apply to any fight for purity, whether you decide to kiss before marriage or not.
          Read the rest of the post at PhyliciaDelta.com!


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