Happy New Year! | 2015 Morning Glory Recap

Happy New Year!

Wow! 2015 was an incredible year of growth both for Morning Glory and me personally!
First of all, in May, an essay that I wrote about Morning Glory received third place in TeenPact’s Jimmy Brazell Community ImpactScholarship—which then was read in front of over 750 people, and caused Morning Glory’s big “growth spurt” that almost doubled its size!
Just a few weeks after that significant event, in June, I was thrilled to announce the launch of Morning Glory’s Blog! This blog has grown a lot as well over the months, and I’m beyond excited to see it start coming to life! This was my idea before the Daily Devotional, but was something that God prevented me from starting until the right time—and I’m so thankful for that!
Starting next week, the Morning Glory devotional/blog schedule will change. The current schedule has devotionals being sent out Monday through Saturday, with new blog posts every Tuesday. The new schedule will result in no Saturday devotional. Instead, a new blog post will be posted on Saturday, not Tuesday.
As a recap, here at the top six posts (because there was a tie for fifth place) published in 2015 on this blog.

Can’t see past the pain of a trial? God does have a plan for the hurt, and He’s using this in your life. This list of reasons to be thankful submitted by an anonymous guest poster will change your perspective on your trial.

Tip 6 in our series, 10 Tips for Beating a Crush, was to avoid things that often cause you to think of romance. Not far behind this one was the similar post, “Why I Avoid Romance Novels and Movies.” Are you surrounded by romantic books, movies, and music? You may be creating a difficult environment for yourself to beat your unhealthy crush.

Tip 1 was to change your mindset. How do you view guys? Are you making these mistakes and viewing them through a selfish lens? How do you view your emotions? Changing your mindset can make a huge difference in the way you think about and treat guys.

All the practical tips in the world can’t help you beat your crush unless you have the heart to do so. This blog post discusses the difference between a crush you should eradicate and a crush you should manage, and explores some of the root issues involved in a crush.

You cannot beat a crush unless you beat your daydreams. Are you drowning yourself in romantic daydreams? What are the pitfalls of daydreams, and how do we beat them? Read this post for practical advice on conquering this huge struggle in any girl’s life.

You’ve fought hard. You’ve tried to resist. But you find yourself failing yet again. What does God’s Word say about our weakness? What do we do with our weakness? How do we get back up again? What do we do when you finally realize that you’re not strong enough?

And that was our 2015 Morning Glory Recap! Special thanks go to my faithful team of devotional writers, Beth, Taylor, Abby, Sarah, and Bethany—Morning Glory would not be possible without these amazing young ladies. I’m so thankful for each of you who take time to read the devotional and blog, and I’m especially thankful to those of you who take time to contribute and send encouragement to me and the devotional writing team!

Looking at this coming year, I’m becoming more and more excited about the new things God will do with Morning Glory this year! We’ll see where He takes it. :)


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