16 Books for Christian Girls

          Hey girls! Some girls and I got together and came up with 16 of our top books that we recommend for teen and tween girls. 

Check it out here!

I remember one day when my mom was teaching me to read when I was very little. She handed me a picture book and told me to sit on the floor and read to her while she applied her makeup.
I did not want to learn to read. Much less practice right now.
I remember panting heavily between each word as I sounded it out, trying to make Mom worry. She just told me, “Quit gasping and read.”
So I stopped.
At that time, I never knew that I would be so in love with reading, writing, and the art of English. When I was older, we would go to the library once a week. I would scour shelves and return with piles of books so high I could not see where I was walking. During that time, I mostly read Nancy Drew and averaged a book and a half a day.
However, I found that I quickly ran out of those books. Finding clean books was a struggle for me. Often I could only resort to romance novels--but even the Christian ones were full of inappropriate scenes. I found I had to quit reading in the middle of books because they were so terrible. Few things are worse than having to put down a book you’ve gotten excited about because it has some unnecessary inappropriate content.
For the readers out there like me who struggle to find clean reads, I have a list of my top five Christian books that I recommend to teen girls. Add to that eleven other books from other girls and you've got a list that should set you up for summer.
Also, in addition to my top five, here are many more books I would recommend for sure. A few wrestled for inclusion in my Top Five list, so I thought I would give them honorable mentions. ;) I highly recommend Do Hard Things by the Harris twins (reviewed on my blog here) and The Chase by Kyle and Kelsey Kupecky (reviewed on my blog here). Also, one that I have yet to read but that I know is outstanding is Girl Defined: God’s Radical Design for Beauty, Femininity, and Identity.
As summer is right around the corner, I highly encourage you to pick a couple books from this list and add it to your reading list.
In a world where novels are getting filthier and filthier, it’s hard to find innocent or even clean reads, much less something edifying. I promise you that any of these books will be far more worth your time than a random romance novel off the shelf.

Let me know below if you’ve read or heard of any of these books! What are your top favorite books that you would recommend to teen girls?


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