Top 5 Posts of 2017

2017 was a year of growth for me and for Morning Glory. I struggled with things I thought I had overcome—and learned so much in the process. Launching 30 Days of Surrender this past summer was an incredible journey full of ups and downs, successes and failures. All of the most popular posts EVER on this blog (except for one) were published this year. While going through the archives is always a great idea for when you missed posts (*wink, wink*), here's a list of the highlights!

So here we go: top 5 posts of 2017!

We’re not just talking about memorizing John 3:16 here. Remember my friend Dani who has memorized entire books of the Bible? I’ve been slowly plugging through Psalm 119—and she’s already memorized the entire thing plus so much more. In this post, she gives her best tips for memorizing large chunks of Scripture and retaining it forever.

In this post, my dear friend and author Alicia shares why it is so important for single girls to practice hospitality and homemaking—including practical tips for how you can start while living at home!

I saw a huge turn in my walk with Christ when I started seriously memorizing Scripture. Please, if you do not memorize Scripture regularly or aren’t convinced you need to, read this post. 

Far and above, these next two posts were popular beyond anything I’ve seen so far on the blog. Flirting is fun, addicting, and often all about self-worship. This post discussing how respect factors into the decision to flirt—and how you may lose more than you gain by making flirting a lifestyle.

1.  5 Reasons I Don’t Flirt Part 2 
In this post, we discuss how flirting affects your relationship with guys, God, and other girls.

There you have it—the top 5 posts of 2017. I hope you will take the time to read the ones you might have missed, or refresh yourself on the ones published nearly a year ago. Let me know what your thoughts are!

What was your favorite post of 2017? Share in the comments!


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