10 Clothes Shopping Tips

Anastasis Faith

1.         Don’t buy used tank tops. Tank tops don’t last very long, and if you buy them used, you’re not going to get much wear out of them. And plus, it’s kind of gross.

2.         Buy shoes that are YOUR SIZE. I buy a lot of my shoes second hand at Plato’s Closet. My thought was always, “If they’re one size too big or small, it’s not THAT big a difference, especially with closed toed shoes.” I may be the only person who’s thought that. But honestly, don’t do it. I’m a size 6.5, and I got a super cute size 5.5 pair of $14 dark brown Sperries that were in great shape. It was hard to beat. But I never wear them because they kill my feet. Even if it was a great deal, it was a poor use of my $14. Another pair of $14 shoes was a pair of red Kedds that were 8. Again, I didn’t think the size mattered because they were closed toed. But I never want to wear them because they’re so big on my feet! I had had my eye out for a pair of red Kedds, and I didn’t think I’d find another pair at Plato’s in such good condition… But again, I ended up wasting those $14 because I’ve worn the shoes once.

3.         Do you want to iron a ton? With button downs, don’t forget most of them have to be ironed every single time before wearing. I don’t wear most of my button downs very often because of that.

4.         If you live somewhere where the summers are really hot, do not buy a bunch of cute shirts that need tank tops. I found out the hard way they add a lot of extra bulk and heat. Instead, if you don’t want to wear t-shirts every day, buy ones that don’t need a tank top. I recently invested in three cute tops that don’t require a tank tops and I wear them all the time. Definitely worth it.

5.         Go for less, but more versatile. It’s better to have less STUFF, but have everything be extremely versatile. A good example of this is chambray. You can use it for dressy and for casual.

6.         If the shoe fits, don’t ALWAYS buy it. At the Plato’s that I shop at, they have this sign everywhere that says, “If the shoe fits, buy it.” I disagree. I found out that I don’t need five pairs of brown flats. If you already have a nice pair of black heels, don’t buy another.

7.         Wear a tank top under your shirt when you go shopping. If you want to try on say a dress with a low front, or a see-through blousy top, you’ll be very glad for that tank top.

8.         If it’s fussy in store, it’ll be fussy out of store. You don’t want to always be adjusting things. That can be very distracting and it’s not very discreet. I’m learning more and more the value of fuss-free clothing.

9.         White pants. Make sure they’re thick and not see-through. I know it is SO difficult to find good white pants, but you do not want to settle for see-through because you cannot find a good pair.

10.     Have a game plan. Good shopping is knowing exactly what you need and going for it. If you just want to go peruse, I’ve found it less likely to find something that you will actually really love. Shopping with a goal is also way more efficient.


Do you have shopping tips? What is a great tip that’s missing from my list? Share in the comments!

What Do Guys Really Think About Your Big T-Shirt and Little Shorts?

Anastasis Faith

In the past two days, three guys complained to me about the trend of big t-shirt and little shorts.

“It’s immodest.”
“It’s kinda sketch…”
“It’s not cute.”
“I don’t understand why girls wear it. It’s not attractive.”
“It looks like they just crawled out of bed.”
“Don't EVER be that girl.”
And these are godly guys. These same guys complained a lot about the t-shirts that are so big they cover your shorts.
“It looks like they don’t have pants on!”
“I think that’s the goal.” I said.
“I don’t like it!”
“It’s REALLY immodest. Like, it’s not okay at all.”
No, they don’t think you’re hot when you dress like this.
“What do you think about the big t-shirts?” I asked.
“They’re not pretty, but it’s better than some tight sketch top.”
“Yeah, I don’t think they’re attractive.”
Keep these guys’ comments in mind as you get ready to go back to school. Just because everyone dresses like sorority girls does not mean you have to as well. 
What are your thoughts on this topic? Share in the comments!

6 Red Flags You're Obsessed with Your Crush

Anastasis Faith
When I was younger, I did not understand the balance of having a crush and living life in pursuit of Christ. My first crush was a complete disaster to my life because it took over my emotions, my mind, my energy, and my time. When I saw him, I floated. When I was at home, I was a wreck.
I was obsessed.
I remember finally getting to a point where I was like, “I cannot live like this. I need to beat this crush. It cannot rule my life.”
The feelings of affection for someone honorable and God-fearing who you could actually see yourself spending your life with are one thing. The obsession and idolization of a guy is another completely different ball game.
How do you know when you’re obsessed with your crush?
1.     You daydream
Don’t deny that when you like someone, you daydream. Which is normal and natural. But you need to be careful of conjuring up sinful fantasies, or making up your perfect guy. Or taking the guy you like and making him into something he isn’t! Daydreaming can QUICKLY get out of hand, and if you find yourself constantly daydreaming, that’s a big red flag that you’re obsessed with your crush.
2.     You aren’t as interested in reading your Bible. You talk to an imaginary guy instead of God, etc.
This is really bad. If a guy takes the place of God in your life, then he’s becoming an idol, and that is sinful. A guy cannot replace God. Because he’s human! The only way we can truly love and enjoy a guy is to first love and enjoy Christ. If our needs are not met in Jesus, then we will become a needy parasite that he will want to get away from.
3.     You don’t work as hard
Your work ethic goes ZAP! Instead of doing school or working, you are sitting there chewing on your pencil imagining him rescuing you from a terrifying situation. If you cannot get anything done in a day because you’re thinking about your crush, then that is a sign that you are obsessed with him.
4.     Your joy is dependent on whether or not he shows up, responds to your text message…etc.
You’re kind of dumpy at home. Instead of finding a deeply rooted sense of joy in the person and reality of Christ, your happiness is as shallow as whether or not he smiles at you.
5.     You view your girl friends as competition
Your best friends become rivals. Your crush cannot talk and joke with another girl without you getting envious of them, and angry at him at “not being faithful,” even if you have no right to him.
6.     You look to him to meet your needs
You need his smile to be happy. You need his attention to feel worth and value. You need him to like you in order to have an identity.

If you do any of these things, it might be a sign that your crush has become too high of a priority in your life. All of these are extremely dangerous. We cannot find our joy, identity, and worth in another human being. Those are needs that only Christ can need. If you want to love your future husband, you need to first have your needs met in Christ so that you can pour into him. A guy will always fail you, even if he’s the most incredibly godly person on the planet. And you will be a drain on him if you expect him to meet your needs.

Have you ever been obsessed with your crush? What are other signs that you are obsessed with your crush? What tips do you have for solving this problem? Share in the comments!

Pure Beauty…Or Pure Shame?

Anastasis Faith

I was at work, just going through my tasks. I answered emails, sorted through the mail, and did some maintenance around the office, keeping piles of forms shrink wrapped, scratch paper cut up for notes, etc. Then I needed to search for something on the Internet. I pulled up the website, and on the sidebar was a huge picture of a sexy girl in a bikini, and underneath it, it said, “Pure Beauty.”
I closed out of the window and decided I could solve my problem in a way that wasn’t defiling.
But as I continued to work, I kept thinking about how it said underneath, “Pure Beauty.”
The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. Pure beauty? Pure beauty! PURE BEAUTY??!!
This is the culture’s definition of pure beauty. But is it really? Or is this a lie of Satan?
In the Garden of Eden, when God first made Adam and Eve, He made them without clothes. There was no shame. But then Adam and Eve sinned, and it says in Genesis 3:7, “Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.”
Because in a sinful, fallen world, they realized their shame.
God later kills an animal and makes them clothing. Clothing is a sign of dependence upon God.
As our culture drifts farther and farther from God, they reject modest covering, choosing instead to wear their shame and call it beauty. But it is NOT pure beauty. It is pure SHAME.
And what does that picture of that scantily clad girl tell us? In order to be beautiful, we have to be like her. In order to be happy, we must be like her.
But DO we want to be like her?
This girl is searching. She’s believing lies. She’s lost her sense of shame and she ISN’T getting what she wants. This is not beauty. The world will lie to you that this is the definition of beauty, but it’s not.
This. Is. Shame.
And this poor, sinful girl is not getting what she thought she would get, because beauty is not found in face or form, but in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
The most beautiful and attractive thing in a woman is her fear of God, her love for Him, and her love for others. The joy seen in the smile of a woman who loves Christ is far more attractive and beautiful than a woman who puts her body on display for men to ogle.
In my home, we call these women Proverbs 7 women. My brothers have been taught to stay far away from Proverbs 7 women. Why? Read Proverbs 7 to find out.

“Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of the hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.”
1 Peter 3:3-4

Do not let the culture convince you that beauty is external, or that the more you show, the more beautiful you are. The truth—that Satan will loooooove to keep hidden from you—is that beauty is found in a relationship with Christ. That beauty is not only far more attractive, but it also lasts for eternity.
If you want to read more about clothing, read Girl Defined’s article called, “The Naked Truth about Why We Wear Clothes.”

What lies have you believed in the culture about beauty? What messages do you see plastered over social media, magazines, and the internet? What messages do your friends tell you about beauty? Share in the comments!

Makeup: It’s Not About You Part 2

Anastasis Faith

I received an email in my inbox after last week’s post, Makeup: It’s Not About You. She asked such a good question that I decided to make a whole blog post on it! Her question involved several issues I would like to cover.
1. When do I start wearing makeup?
2. How do I wear makeup?
3. What if no one else around me wears makeup/approves?
Along the way, I will share about how I started wearing makeup and how I eased into it.
1. When do I start wearing makeup?
What is a good age to start wearing makeup? First of all, I do not believe there is a set age at which you could or should start wearing makeup. It is relative to maturity and makeup need. For me, I had an acne problem. So my mom gave me coverstick to wear as a twelve year old. I also am a fair-skinned redhead/strawberry blonde, so my eyebrows and eyelashes are blonde. My features wash out easily without makeup. At fourteen, I started wearing eyebrow pencil. It wasn’t until I was sixteen that I started wearing mascara, foundation, and blush.
This is not a recipe for when everyone should start wearing makeup. Your needs may be different from mine. My advice is to talk to your mom to decide what is best for you. Depending upon your complexion, you may not even need makeup—in which case I would not advise wearing it. I notice more people wear makeup in junior high now. If you can get away without it in junior high, I would recommend that.
2. How do I wear makeup?
Specifically, the question was, “how to avoid being the overkill type?” Again, my best piece of advise is to ask your mom. She will have her definition of makeup overkill, and as the authority in your life, you should respect her definition over mine.
Second, what I would say is to always remember that a little makeup goes a long way. My goal has always been for people to have a conversation with me without thinking about my makeup. I want it to be discreet and natural. I do not want it to be distracting. I accomplish this by wearing very minimal makeup. Just foundation, eyebrow pencil, mascara, coverstick, and occasionally blush. I think you can tastefully wear more makeup than me, but I think you should be careful—especially with eye makeup—since it can quickly become overkill. 
3. What if no one else around me wears makeup/approves?
This was where I was when I started wearing makeup. My friends made comments about it. A lot of people made a big deal about my eyebrow pencil. I hated it being pointed out, as I was pretty self conscious, since most of my friends did not believe in makeup.
First of all, since my mom and I had talked about it and decided makeup was the right choice for me, I kept wearing it despite the “peer pressure.” I learned to not get as annoyed or embarrassed if someone mentioned my makeup.
However, makeup is definitely not worth losing friends over. I would advise you to explain the situation to your mom and ask for her advice. Also, your friends may not be upset with you wearing makeup, but the amount you put on. Your friends could be a great tool in determining in your are an Overkill type.
On the other hand, if it is your family that disapproves, I would definitely advise you to obey your parents and listen to your family.

In summary, my main piece of advice is to take these questions to your mom. She knows you and your situation better than I do and can give you better advice.

What are your thoughts on these issues? How would you answer these questions? When/How did you start wearing makeup? Do you have any other questions or thoughts? Share in the comments!

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